Monday, September 14, 2009


I want this hanging in my house, above my mantel. (To clear up some confusion, no, I did not paint this. To do so in this kind of breath-taking detail, I would have to travel into either the future, or the past, and witness this scene as it takes place, as this artist has undoubtedly done. How he has mastered time travel is a mystery, but if anyone can find out his name, I would pay anything to have him paint my portrait astride a Spinosaurus as I shoulder a bazooka.)

P.S. I hope this is a vision of the future. I'd gladly trade in my klunker for a Dimetrodon.

1 comment:

Ryan (Ranger) said...

It's true. Classical, Renaissance, Expressionism, Impressionism, Post-Modern; all great movements in Art lead to this, the greatest form of human expression.